American Advanced Medicine Clinic

Type 2 Diabetes Reversal / Remission Program

Type 2 Diabetes could be due to multiple causes. This diabetes reversal program involves doing specific tests using  functional medicine tools  to understand the cause of diabetes and treat it through integrative approach which involves nutrition, life style modifications, supplementation correct it thereby diabetes could be reversed (remission). This is a personalized treatment designed to suit a person since each diabetes patient is different from other. This involves a care taken by a team which includes a Doctor (Diabetologist), Nutritionist, Counselor and few others. Once it’s achieved the patients are monitored and provided support to maintain the same status and ensure that they do not go back to earlier status. We select the patients to this program who meet certain criteria. Before enrolling into program we do some specific tests to see if this program can be applicable to a person since diabetes is due to different causes and each patient health status is different from other in aspects of severity chronicity and many others. For more details call and take an appointment.

Diabetes neuropathy complications reversal:

Not only diabetes but diabetes related complications like neuropathy (pain numbness tingling feeling in feet and extremities), sexual dysfunction, Heat valve blockages can be treated effectively and could be reversed. Along with that patients can get free from different issues like weakness tiredness sleep issues constipation appetite problems, weight issues and feel active so providing the overall wellness beyond the diabetes reversal (remission).


When you do sugar test if the blood sugar levels are between normal and diabetes level then it’s called as pre diabetes state .This program is also applicable to a person in Pre diabetes stage as well. In this stage we can get results very fast and its best time for any person to enroll and prevent diabetes.

Disclaimer: The chances of reversal of diseases differ from person to person and are highly dependent on many factors the severity of diseases, Patients adherence to recommended diet, lifestyle, and nutraceuticals prescribed, genetic predisposition, environment, Emotions and many others. Reversal mentioned above means remission in few diseases like autoimmune i.e.  the patient gets free from symptoms of diseases and maintain it   with no or minimal requirement of  medications. In some case we can decrease the medicines requirement significantly (minimal) and help patients to come out of suffering (pain)and increase the quality of life.

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